We support Misión México

Proceeds from sales of journeys go to Misión México, a charity based in Tapachula, Chiapas, in southern Mexico. Founded by Australians Pam and Alan Skuse, it works with and for children of all ages who have been abused, neglected, orphaned or abandoned. It provides food, housing and education for children and also runs a surfing programme for them. And as Pam says, before you teach anyone to surf, you have to teach them how to swim! You can read about Misión México on their website http://lovelifehope.com/

One of the editors of journeys, Jenny Cooper, recently organised a book launch, a live one, in Mexico. We had had a virtual launch in March, but this was our first live presentation, at the bookshop La sombra del sabino in Tepoztlan, Morelos. Bernard Unkles from the Australian Embassy in Mexico commented: The venue and turnout were excellent, people asked interesting questions and all the available hardcopies sold out.

We are planning a launch in Canberra for July, this is being organised by editor Ruth Adler. Details are still being confirmed, so I won’t say anything more now!

And talking of printed copies of the book, we have some available for sale through this website, please contact us if you’re interested.